Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ipod artwork?

ok i have a ipod video 30 gb not the new one that came out the1 b4 that and i downloaded a cd (blink182 greatest hits) awhile ago and what i did was add art work and i did and it was good but 2day i wanted 2 chane somethings since this was a cd ofmany hits from blink that came from many cds i tried to change the artwork and album to put them how they were when they came out. and the nameing went good there was no greatest hits anymore and on itines the artwork is good. but when i turn ipod on 2 heer it the artwork is a BLACK BIG SQUARE i tried getting a new artwork and its still black

how do i fix this

thanx 2 anyone 1 who answersIpod artwork?that happened to mine, the screen has been cracked! i know it sucks but what i did was sent it into Apple and if you havent used your warrentee to get another ipod after it breaks then just send it in and your new ipod will be in in about a week or a little longer! good luckk :)
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