Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coverflow iPod Nano 3rd Gen?


I've just gotten a new iPod Nano, and in Cover Flow, the album art is sorted by artist, not by album. How do I change this? Or can't I?

Also, some albums don't have their album art displayed next to them when one song is being played individually, whilst the entire album does show up with a cover. Does this mean that I have to add a cover to each song?Coverflow iPod Nano 3rd Gen?seems to be a firmware issue. ver 1.0.1 has been released to fix some bugs but the issue with the sorting of the album art in cover flow hasn't been addressed yet.

I think the problem with some songs not displaying cover art is corrected with the latest firmware release.

just to make sure it isn't a firmware issue check to see if the cover artwork is included with the songs that don't have the artwork displayed ( in itunes library right-click on the track, select info, click on the artwork tab)Coverflow iPod Nano 3rd Gen?Right-click on the song in iTunes and press %26quot;Get Album Artwork%26quot;Coverflow iPod Nano 3rd Gen?It has to do with the firmware :)Coverflow iPod Nano 3rd Gen?i dont personally know but there are websites for this chekc the box they usually give websites or try google