Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ipod Touch Album Art Troubles?

In iTunes, I change the album art for the entire album at once, I double click on the album art box and add the desired art, then check the box, I hit OK and it does its change to everything. my iTouch even syncs with the new change but when I go back to check it there is no art work anymore. It undoes what I do every do I get around this?Ipod Touch Album Art Troubles?yea... this happens to me a LOT. It's such a pain....

What i did to solve this problem was to:

A) remove the song from my ipod

B) add the album artwork one by one to my songs

C) add to my ipod.

But, after i installed the 2.2 software, it works fine. So if u didn't update u should. If u updated and it still doesn't work, try the steps above. It worked for me =/
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