Ok since they do not make 8gb Zunes and my mom refuse to spend 220 for a 16gb ZuneHD, I have that new i-pod nano, the one that can record videos. Now i forced to used I_tunes now, and i am very annoyed with it. So far these are my concerns
1. Is their any software that you can sync ipod with the new zune software?
2. Do i really have to re download my Yu-gi-oh Pod-cast if i already have them through Zune?
4. How can i apply album art to all the songs in a soundtrack instead of only the first track in the Selection?
3. If i end up putting the wrong album art when putting them in, is their anyway to change it?
4. How Come My pod-cast are coming up as music videos and mp3s instead of only appearing in the pod-cast section?I-Tunes FRUSTRATION!!!!?I'm not familiar with Zune so I can't help you there.....but, album art is easy to choose. Simply hilite ALL songs you want to have the art, then drag the photo you want (from the Internet or photo source) and drop it in the album art box (on the bottom left of your iTunes screen, belie the lustbof playlists). If the box doesn't show, there's an arrow in the same general area to %26quot;show more%26quot;, just click it. If you want to change it later, simply repeat the process with a different photo. Hope this helps.