Friday, June 3, 2011

Wrong album info on Zune HD. How to change?

I have this German song on my Zune. The Album art itself is correct, but for some reason, the picture in the background behind the album Art while playing the music is of Bobby Lyle. How do I correct this and remove the background image.Wrong album info on Zune HD. How to change?this is a problem with the MS servers. i also have a few that are wrong (i just deal with it). but your best bet is to call/email MS about the issue...give them the artist name, and give them who it is displaying...this may be something they can may be something the will just pass over. but there is nothing you personally can do about it. it is up to them.

but you are not alone, i am sure forums have some complaints about the same maybe MS will fix it.Wrong album info on Zune HD. How to change?just so you know this happend to me once btw...also you can right click on any of your music and edit the info yourself its a bit annoying but at least its right then and it doesnt take that long

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