i have a nano, and i just got it so im not an iPod expert. i have been using windows media player for my mp3, and i had all the album art on windows media. when i changed to iTunes for my iPod, it all disappeared. how do i get album art? and do i HAVE to sign up? because i do not want to give my credit card number because i wont be buying any songs!! help, please?
thanks in advance.How do you get album art on iPod?ok open iTunes and at the bottom left hand corner, there are four buttons, a + sign, two arrows crossing eachother, two arrows forming a circle, and a triangle in a box. Click the triangle in a box, and this little window will pop up just above it. You have to copy the picture (right click, and select %26quot;copy%26quot; or Ctrl+C) and right click in the window and choose %26quot;paste%26quot;. Next time u update your iPod, the picture will show up when u play the song.How do you get album art on iPod?To Get Album Art On Your ipod, You Go To Google Or Yahoo Image Search, And Find An Image Of The Album That You Want. Then, Save The Picture. Go Into itunes, And Find The Song You Wanted The Album Art For. Right Click On The Song, And Click The %26quot;Get Info%26quot; Option. In The Box That Pops Up, There Is A Tab That Says %26quot;Artwork%26quot;. Click On It. There Will Be A Tab That Says %26quot;Add%26quot;. Click It, And Brose For The Image You Just Saved. Click The Image, And Click %26quot;Open%26quot;. The Album Art Should Appear.How do you get album art on iPod?The easiest and most accurate way to get artwork is to first open the artwork file on your computer or in an internet browser. In iTunes, select all the songs for an album (choosefirst song, click and hold Shift, choose last song). Right click on the selection and choose Get Info. Copy the artwork from the file or browser and then paste the artwork in the artwork section of Info.How do you get album art on iPod?I have to download the artwork from a site like amazon.com. Save it to your computer where you know where it is. Then in ITunes, right mouse click on the songs for that particular album and select Get Info. From there, go to the Artwork tab, click on the Add button, and then find the album art that you saved. It'll automatically be transferred to your IPod when you update it. It's a pain, but the only way I know how.How do you get album art on iPod?go back to wmp.