Friday, June 3, 2011

Album art work help in Vista!?

I have windows Vista and have my music organised so each album has it's own folder, however since moving from XP to Vista I can't seem to pick the thumbnail picture to use on the subfolders (albums) in the main 'music' folder. it seems to automatically pick what it thinks is the correct artwork and use that even if i try and change it in the folder options, this means if a song has the wrong artwork then that album has the wrong cover, how can i pick my own artwork to be displayed or how can i remove the artwork associated with the song???Album art work help in Vista!?Search for album art ,when you find the picture you want right click on image and choose, copy.Go back to Windows Media player locate Album with missing cover then right click on it choose paste album art to drop it.Strangely dragging and dropping art doesn't work .Album art work help in Vista!?Take a look here it may help.

look under %26quot;

To add album art from the online database%26quot;