you could try the thing with the cut and paste thing the chick above me said to do. she's apparently done it. i've never tried so i wouldn't know.How do you change album art in itunes? (Please read details before answering question)?To edit artwork is simple, i do it all the time
Right click and click Options or Properties (I can't remember which one it is) and edit the track info.
Find the same song on the iTunes store with the correct artwork and input the info from that song into the boxes provided.
Finish and click off it and then right click again and click 'Get Album Artwork'
The correct album artwork should now appear un-blurred (Which can happen wehn copying and pasting from Google)
Any assistance just drop me a line
:)How do you change album art in itunes? (Please read details before answering question)?If your music files are no longer on your hard drive then how can iTunes store a new image?
If you try to Get Info for a song that is not present on your hard drive (i.e. where a ! appears alongside the song), you'll get Not available alongside Where: - which is where the location of the song is normally shown. You also don't get the Artwork tab option if the file isn't available.
So I don't understand what shortcuts you're referring to.