Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How can i change the album art on my itunes?
some of the songs that are on my itunes have the wrong album art. i have tried to copy and paste the correct album art but it only adds another picture and it still keeps the wrong one as the main one. i want to know what i can do to put the correct album art on the songs.How can i change the album art on my itunes?right click on it, and click on %26quot;get album artwork%26quot;. it will retrieve the artwork from itunes, and stick it on thereHow can i change the album art on my itunes?when you look at your songs through the album view, right click on the album picture that you want to change. then at the top there should be %26quot;Get info%26quot;. Click on this and it will let you change anything. The artwork command should be at the end and if you click that then you can delete the picture that is already there and add the one you cutting ie